Before You Apply
An Employee Identification Number (EIN) is a tax identification given by the IRS to a business and a few other entities. There are 4 easy ways to apply for your employer identification number (EIN) with the IRS and they are all free. Two ways are instantaneous, the other two take some time.
Even if you do not plan to hire employees, it is best to apply for an EIN when setting up your business, regardless of what business structure you set up. Most banks will require an EIN to apply for business checking/savings accounts, business loans, or credit cards. It also makes your business look more professional in the eyes of these banks, investors, or potential purchasers.
The process must be done in one session, so my advice is to go to the IRS website and print out an application so you can take your time finding the information that they need. While the form is not an extremely complicated form, it is best to speak with someone you trust, like an attorney, who has filled it out before.
The last thing to know before applying is what a responsible party is. “Responsible party” is designated by the IRS as “the person who ultimately controls the entity or who exercises ultimate effective control over the entity.” The responsible party must be an individual and not an entity. (government entity only exception)
4 Ways to Apply
1st Way: Online

The IRS website is open for your to apply for your Employer Identification Number between the hours of 7 AM and 10 PM (US Eastern Time Zone) Monday through Friday. Simply go to the website and start the application process. Remember that the IRS website says:
- The application cannot be saved and must be completed in one session.
- Security protocol will automatically end the session after 15 minutes of inactivity, and you will have to begin again from beginning.
- The online application is only available to businesses located in US or its territories AND to a responsible party who has a valid US ID (social security number is best)
Once you complete the form online, the information will immediately be validated and an EIN assigned.
2nd Way: Fax

You can fax the completed Form SS-4, Application for Employer Identification for processing to the appropriate fax number 24 hours a day, 7 days a week:
- Applicants who have a legal residence, principal place of business or principal office or agency within the 50 states or District of Columbia can fax to (855) 641-6935
- Applicants who don’t have a legal residence, principal place of business or principal office or agency within any state can fax within the US (855) 215-1627 or fax outside the US (304) 707-9471
People choosing this method to apply for your Employer Identification Number will generally receive their EIN back by fax within 4 business days.
3rd Way: Mail

You can mail the completed Form SS-4, Application for Employer Identification for processing to the appropriate address to:
Applicants who have a legal residence, principal place of business or principal office or agency within the 50 states or District of Columbia | Internal Revenue Services Attn: EIN Operation Cincinnati, OH 45999 |
Applicants who don’t have a legal residence, principal place of business or principal office, or agency within any state | Internal Revenue Services Attn: EIN International Operation Cincinnati, OH 45999 |
You can expect to receive your EIN number in the mail approximately 4 weeks later. IRS advises mailing at least 5 weeks prior to needing the EIN for any reason.
4th Way: Phone (Only for International Applicants)

International Applicants, you can apply for your Employer Identification Number by calling (267) 941-1099 (not a toll-free number) Monday through Friday from 6 AM to 11 PM (Eastern US Time Zone). IRS requires you to be an authorized individual for the business and have already reviewed and are ready to answer questions when you call. An EIN number will be assigned to you at the end of the call.
Final Thoughts
While the process to apply for your Employer Identification Number is not a difficult application to fill out, it is advisable to see professional or experienced help as one of the decisions will be how you wish to be taxed and can only be changed prior to the next tax cycle and locks you into the current or upcoming tax cycle.
US applicants by online and international applicants by phone will receive their EIN number immediately and those using mail or fax can expect about a 4-week wait to receive, so plan appropriately for when you will need to use your EIN.
⚠️ Beware of Fake Scam EIN Applications Sites ⚠️
A search online like “apply for EIN” will lead you to several sites that look like the IRS site, but they are not. They will allow you to start filling out the application, but when you finish with the paperwork, you will discover that they are just offering FOR MONEY to apply for you.
The IRS site doesn’t charge anything to apply and you are giving someone you don’t know things like your address, social security number, etc. that you should not give to anyone you do not know and trust.
The address above in the first section is the official IRS site. Click on it and then copy and paste the site URL for later reference when ready to apply.